Upper Berkeley Dental Care go Skyward!!

20180122 172550
At Upper Berkeley Dental Care we usually have our practice outing in the dull month of January.

So this year the girls and I went to the view from the shard, designed by Renzo Piano. On mass we zoomed up in 2 lifts to the glass spire at the top of the Shard.

20180129 112104 E1517918099808It was such a lovely clear evening and we could see for miles. They estimate the view to be 40 miles, when clear, which is equivalent to 5800 London buses end to end!

Walking around the top of the 72nd level platform, open to the elements whilst sipping from a glass of the champagne was ideal for a 360 degree view of the wonderful city, in which we live.

A few steps down to the next level is a larger area, also with a bar and with more wonderful views, and as it was dark- London’s sky line looked so pretty as the twinkly lights looked so bright.

We recommend a visit if you haven’t done this already!

Jo Gallop – UBDC

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